FLASH NEWS: Citations are increasing @record rate 1200 per month, H-Index 94, & 38,000 Google scholar

About Prof. Dr. Justin Paul

Dr Justin Paul holds three Doctoral Degrees. Ph.D in Marketing from the University of Brighton, England;  Ph.D in International Business from IIT Bombay, and an honorary doctorate from Calcutta. He currently serves as Editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Consumer Studies (IJCS), a consumer research journal with the highest impact factor in the world. A former faculty member of the University of Washington, he is the Provost &  Dean of the AACSB & EQUIS accredited NM Institute of Management studies, India.  He serves/served as a professor of PhD & MBA programs at the University of Puerto Rico, USA, and holds/held honorary or distinguished visiting professor positions at the University of Reading, UK, University of Versailles- France,  Aarhus University, University of Porto-Portugal, Deakin University, Indian Institute of Management (IIM-K), University of Ljubljana -Slovenia,  IE- Madrid, University of Chicago, WU-Vienna,  Universities in Japan, Korea, Poland, Hungary, Germany, Croatia, China, Kosovo, and Lebanon.

Ranked among the World’s top 72 highly cited Professors in Business & Economics subject areas, his citations are increasing at record rate 1000 per month, with an H Index 90., He has served as MBA Director & AACSB Co-ordinator at Nagoya University, Japan and as Department Chair & Director-Executive Education at IIM. Dr. Paul introduced the Masstige model and measure for branding, CPP Model for internationalization, SCOPE framework for small firms, 7-P Framework for International Marketing and TCCM Framework for literature reviews. He has taught full courses in Denmark, France, Lithuania, Poland & serves/ed as keynote speaker at 100s of conferences including UVSQ -France, GAMMA, EMOK-Hungary, KSMS-Korea, Polish academy & often in India. He has been an invited speaker in over 500 conferences held in different countries including AEMARK-Spain, MIT Boston, Fudan & UIBE-China, UAB- Barcelona and Madrid, IE & CEU Madrid, Uni of Valencia. He has published three best selling case studies with Ivey & Harvard. He is known as an author/co-author of books such as Business Environment, International Marketing, Services Marketing, Export-Import Management, Management of Banking & Financial Services by McGraw-Hill, Oxford University Press & Pearson respectively. He is/was an Associate Editor with Journal of Business Research, European management review, European Management Journal, & Journal of Strategic Marketing.

His total downloads exceeds 1,000,000 times. He has visited over 100 countries as a Keynote/public speaker and interacted with over 300,000 students.



Speeches of Dr. Justin Paul

Excerpts from some of the speeches delivered at various events

Journal Articles

Books Authored by Dr.Justin Paul

Business Environment
Export-Import Management
International marketing
Services Marketing
Management of Banking and Financial services