Dr Justin Paul holds three Doctoral Degrees. Ph.D in Marketing from the University of Brighton, England; Ph.D in International Business from IIT Bombay, and an honorary doctorate from Calcutta. He currently serves as Editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Consumer Studies (IJCS), a consumer research journal with the highest impact factor in the world. A former faculty member of the University of Washington, he is the Provost & Dean of the AACSB & EQUIS accredited NM Institute of Management studies, India. He serves/served as a professor of PhD & MBA programs at the University of Puerto Rico, USA, and holds/held honorary or distinguished visiting professor positions at the University of Reading, UK, University of Versailles- France, Aarhus University, University of Porto-Portugal, Deakin University, Indian Institute of Management (IIM-K), University of Ljubljana -Slovenia, IE- Madrid, University of Chicago, WU-Vienna, Universities in Japan, Korea, Poland, Hungary, Germany, Croatia, China, Kosovo, and Lebanon.
Ranked among the World’s top 72 highly cited Professors in Business & Economics subject areas, his citations are increasing at record rate 1000 per month, with an H Index 90., He has served as MBA Director & AACSB Co-ordinator at Nagoya University, Japan and as Department Chair & Director-Executive Education at IIM. Dr. Paul introduced the Masstige model and measure for branding, CPP Model for internationalization, SCOPE framework for small firms, 7-P Framework for International Marketing and TCCM Framework for literature reviews. He has taught full courses in Denmark, France, Lithuania, Poland & serves/ed as keynote speaker at 100s of conferences including UVSQ -France, GAMMA, EMOK-Hungary, KSMS-Korea, Polish academy & often in India. He has been an invited speaker in over 500 conferences held in different countries including AEMARK-Spain, MIT Boston, Fudan & UIBE-China, UAB- Barcelona and Madrid, IE & CEU Madrid, Uni of Valencia. He has published three best selling case studies with Ivey & Harvard. He is known as an author/co-author of books such as Business Environment, International Marketing, Services Marketing, Export-Import Management, Management of Banking & Financial Services by McGraw-Hill, Oxford University Press & Pearson respectively. He is/was an Associate Editor with Journal of Business Research, European management review, European Management Journal, & Journal of Strategic Marketing.
His total downloads exceeds 1,000,000 times. He has visited over 100 countries as a Keynote/public speaker and interacted with over 300,000 students.