1.Justin Paul & A.Chaudhary (2009), Determination of Exchange Rates & A Forecasting Model, NUCB Journal of Economics & Information Science, Vol 53, No.2, Page 249-262 Japan
2.Justin Paul, A.Ramanathan (2007), Interdependence in Imports, Production, Exports and Terms of Trade – An Empirical study, International Journal of Management Practices and Contemporary Thought, Vol 1,N.1, Page 40-48
3.Justin Paul, A.Mukherjee (2006), Retail Banking, ATMs & Cash Supply Management, PRAJNAN, Journal of Management and Social Sciences, Vol 35, No.1, 2006-07, NIBM, pp 47-60
4.Justin Paul, Festi Lova (2005), Bio-Technology, Global Sunrise Industry, Global Business Review, SAGE Journal, Vol.6, Issue 2, July-Dec 2005, 315-321, pub from UK, USA, India etc.
5.Justin Paul (2005), Innovation in Banking products: Case studies, Chartered Financial Analyst, December Issue
6.Justin Paul, A.Ramanathan (2005), Impact of Gobalisation on Foreign Trade: Sector-wise study, Paradigm, IMT Gaziabad Journal, Vol.8, No.2, July-Dec. 2004, pp 21-25
7.Justin Paul, S.Subhash (2005), International Migration and Its Impact, Management and Labour Studies, XLRI Journal, Vol.30, No.1, February 2005, pp 38-50
8.Justin Paul (2003), Bank of Madura Merger with ICICI Bank: An Analysis, Management Review Vol 15, No.3, July-Sep, Page 10-17, Journal of IIM Bangalore
9.Justin Paul, A.Roy (2003) Impact of QR Removal on imports & FMCG marketing, Udyog Pragati, Oct-Dec, Vol 26, No.4, pp 39-45, Journal of National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE, Mumbai )
10.Justin Paul and A.Ramanathan (2002), Foreign Direct Investment in 1990s: An Indian Case, Udyog Pragati, Vol 22, No.2, April-June 2002, pp 63-73
11.Justin Paul and A.Ramanathan (2003) Exports, Imports and Industrial Production – Indian Scenario, Abhigyan, Vol 21, No.2, July-Sept 2003, New Delhi
12.Justin Paul (2002) South East Asian Currency Crisis, Vikalpa, Jan-March, pp 71-73, IIM-Ahmedabad
13.Justin Paul (2001) Industrial Growth: Impact of Economic Reforms, Asian Economic Review, Vol 43, No.1, pp 341-350
14.Justin Paul and A.Ramanathan (2000)Trade and Industrialisation – An Empirical Study, Foreign Trade Review, Vol 35, July-Dec, pp 15-20
15. Justin Paul , Global Market Entry strategies of Pharma companies- Study of Indian Companies, Under Review
16. Justin Paul & Ruchi Trehan, Measuring Quality of Work Life & Impact on Performance; Study of School Teachers, Under Review